Saturday, February 15, 2014

I Loved the Gifts!

Per is the best! He went to Germany yesterday (Valentine's Day) but ordered a gift for me, to be delivered that day. He got me the biggest, best tasting chocolate covered strawberries from Shari's Berries. Yes, they're all gone. And yes, I enjoyed them immensely. (I'm glad Andrew helped me eat them, because I couldn't have done it by myself!) Best husband award goes to Per!

Per's 2014 Valentine's Day gift to me - chocolate covered strawberries!!
Andrew gave me a very sweet card, and so did his girlfriend, Schelly. I have the best family!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Our 2013 Christmas Letter

Dear Family and Friends,

Our Christmas Cards didn’t get sent, we promise! They’re sitting in their boxes on our office floor. Nevertheless, we wanted to share with you a synopsis of our 2013 year and most importantly recognize the reason we celebrate Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ.

Bryan and Kimbra worked hard this year to pay off their college student loans. They successfully made their last payment in November and kudos to them for their diligence to stick with their plan. They have a short-haired grey and white striped cat named Reggie that they dearly love. (He looks a lot like our former cat, Summer, which doesn’t surprise us because Summer was Bryan’s cat too.) They also have a little Chihuahua dog named Jamal that is very cute and full of energy. They live in Orem, Utah and are settling in to married life.

Andrew has been working on his film “Symirroretry” this entire year. It’s been a challenge, that he’s accomplished, to work around other people’s schedules. This film has meant two trips to California as well a trip to Philadelphia. It’s an ambitious project that we look forward to seeing this year. Andrew has many plans and dreams that will hopefully come to pass the way he wants.

Per added a 21 year notch to his work belt by working for CEM Corporation all that time. This year his traveling took him to Russia and Australia – two places he’s never been. He also worked in India, China, Japan, Germany, New Zealand, and Canada; as well as several states in the US. He’s a pro at traveling and acclimating himself to many time zones. His work takes up a lot of his time, but in-between traveling he also finds time to work on his hobbies, take care of the yard, fix things around the house, and do stuff for Jade.

Jade spends a lot of her time writing, whether it’s by adding to her blog, journaling, or making poetry. She’s written her blog for 5 years and wrote several poems and haikus this year. She keeps busy by doing what she can which includes the above, spending time with friends, and bossing people around. Her church service in 2013 included writing to missionaries for a few months - who were serving from her ward, creating a bulletin to be seen almost every week in Sacrament Meeting, and being a Visiting Teacher.

We visited our family and friends in Sweden in July and had a fabulous time. The best thing was that our entire family went (thanks to Per’s travel points). We saw many wonderful people, ate great food, and made memories that we’ll never forget.

We love you and look forward to a great 2014!

The Lovgrens

Bryan and Kimbra in Sweden

Bryan and Kimbra in Utah




Fluffy's Favorite Spot at Christmastime

Andrew in Kansas

Andrew in Sweden
Peter & Kerstin, and the Lovgrens in Sweden

The Lovgren Family in Sweden
(Nils, Andrew, Per, Jade, Bryan, Erica, Ann-Sofie
Monika, Tore,
Kimbra, Sandra, Nils, Torsten)

The Lovgren Family in America
(Andrew, Bryan, Jade, Per, Kimbra)